Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gallery Show

Come out next Friday, January 4th, and take a gander at works 
from the Hammonton Artists!
See you there!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mixed Media Updates!

As promised, I found my way to a beautiful scanner with great scans.  Here's how these prints are supposed to look.  I love the idea of putting these images on cards....... so keep a lookout!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Pair of Penguins

Again with the camera phone.  Maybe Santa will bring me a nice art-complimenting scanner this year.
The quality is so poor here you can barely make out the variegations across the piece, I didn't want to omit the post.  It wouldn't be fair to the penguins.  I promise I'll have a good scan soon.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Polar Brrr

Not only is my scanner an impostor, but now it completely refuses to work.  At all.  It just sits there, like it's supposed to be a manila folder.  Stupid.  I've had to resort to the camera on my phone, but I do promise to post REAL scans of all my latest work in the [hopeful] near future.  How refreshing it will be to show some actual art around here...

This is getting ridiculous.
Anyway.............. a mixed media polar bear to bring in the chill.  Or rather, a polar brrrr.  Happy scarf and peacoat season!

First background layer

Initial sketch

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy [Late] Halloween!

Okay, it's a little late.  Unfortunately, due to Sandy's nasty temper, the completion of my trick-or-treat piece is a tad delayed.  Although according to Governor Christie, New Jersey's Halloween is November 5th.... so technically, I'm just ahead of schedule.

Also due to Sandy, I'm lacking the quality scanner I really need to capture this 16x20 watercolor.  I'm restrained to using the contemptible one I have at home. You know, one of those "amazing, all-in-one printer-copier-scanner-fax-machine-space-shuttle" kind of boxes with a plug.  It'd probably claim to cook too, if you leave it running long enough.  Anyway.  Once I'm able to get my hands on a smooth talking artist-quality scanner I'll be back with a better image and details.

In the meantime, my thoughts are with those affected and struggling through the aftermath of Sandy's wretched storm.  A terrible tragedy for our piece of the East Coast... I still can't believe this place I've called my home all my life has been washed away.  If anything, we are a strong slice of the country here in the NJ-NY merge, and I've witnessed a strength and bond in us stronger than I ever have.  I'm confident in the love I've seen of our homes, families, neighbors, and states, that we'll be back in no time.

Stay safe and strong, everyone.

Oh and, Happy Halloween.....

Thursday, October 4, 2012

More from the Sketchbook

Like I said, lots of sketching lately.

When I blank out I draw random animals in awkward poses.

And sometimes I just draw myself inspirational messages.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Doing lots of sketching lately.  Here's a quick zoodle.  (Zebra + doodle).

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Enter, Mr. Elephant

It's true, I like to dabble.  
It's how I keep from getting stagnant. Every once in a while I get the urge to play with clay, even if it's only to de-cramp my hands from the pencil pose.  This time, I stretched my palms around the figure of a frumpy elephant.  I plan on finishing him off with layers of paint, but there's a basset hound on my shelf from last year still sporting the ever-lovely shade of clay gray.  At least I have good intentions.  

I normally use a much more sophisticated method of measurement.
But since my sophisticated ruler is at my studio,  here's an orange.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Open Studio!

Tonight was the night - our studios are open!  We had what we referred to as a "soft opening," because most of us aren't fully moved in yet.  I myself have yet to add a few things.  Like chairs, for example.  And lights. But the walls are painted, they're colored with my prints and posters, and my supplies are moved in.  All that's left to add is some shelving and a sign at my door.  And lights.  Can't forget the lights.

Remember, we're all open every Thursday from 6-9pm at 107 Vine St, Hammonton, NJ.  Try to make it out on the Third Thursday of the month.  That's party time, baby.  For tonight's Third Thursday we had live jazz in the streets, discounts and specials at some amazing restaurants and some great late night shopping.  People even dressed up according to theme(tonight was Bellevue[Boardwalk] Empire) and received extra discounts!  Next month's theme is "Ghosts of Hammonton."  Come out and join the fun - and the spirits - on October 18th!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"Whooo's" Excited?

Here's for Take 3 on my mixed media trials.  Not sure if I'm going to keep this up or not.  You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

In other news, as of yesterday, I am officially the new owner of my very own studio!  I'm SUPER EXCITED.  I have a beautiful, bare, 10x13 space in the art district in Hammonton, NJ, just waiting to be painted and decorated and slapped with a HomeSweetStudio sign on the front door.  Starting next week, every Thursday from here on out (for at least the next year), my studio, as well as the studios of other artists on my floor, will be open to the public from 6-9pm.  In addition, every 3rd Thursday of the month will be Arts Night in the town, and it should be a grand ol' time.  So PLEASE come on out, enjoy the town, check out my neighboring artists, and say hello!

Studio Address:
The studio is located at 107 Vine St, Hammonton, NJ.  
(The building fronts Bellevue Ave, but our entrance is in the back of the building, leading into the parking lot) 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mixed Media? Yes.

A little paint, a little paper, a few x-acto blades, and whaddaya know, I delved into mixed media.  

It started off like this, with a pencil sketch inspired by 
a cow I met at a red light in Lancaster, PA.
True story.

And so it began.

It took one night, one morning, and three cups of coffee.

And as usual, Mittens plops in my spot taking credit for the work.
Love her to death.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Texture Play

YES, I am alive.  Alive and hideously busy, that is.  I decided to shake off the blogging cobwebs with a bit of texture experimenting.  What better way to start that than with fluffy, wooly ol' sheep?

Hope you've all been enjoying your summer.  Or as we've had it here in Jersey, the three-month heatwave. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sometimes Life Just Stinks

"Sometimes life just stinks" is what it reads on the inside of my new card, featuring this flump of a skunk on the front.  Good for loss of a job, feel better soon, break-up with boyfriend...... you get the gist!

Might I suggest you add an additional inscription, something like, "Drinks on me," or, "I'll bring chocolate."

Friday, May 25, 2012

Illustration Friday: Sight

Okay, my apologies.  I couldn't find the time to finish this week's IF, depicting "sight." I didn't want to skip the opportunity completely, though, so I posted as far as I've gotten.

I'm experimenting with some new fur techniques(!) which is both exciting and tedious.  It's going to take some more time until I'm comfortable with it, but so far it looks like this new technique is a one-way-street for me.  Fur-bal Essence on my horizon and there is no turning back.

I have every intention of finishing this piece and finishing my quest of fur adventures, so I really hope you come back to see the final product!  

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Here's another addition to my new line of cards, for birthdays, celebrations, and cupcake lovers.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bubble Kisses

I'm working on expanding my card designs.  I'm undecided as to which I'm using and which I'm tossing, but finally refreshing my old stock feels great!  Here's today's trial card.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Illustration Friday: Kernel

Don't you just hate when the corn gets stuck in your teeth?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Graduation!

New graduation card.
Congratulations to the class of 2012!