Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Animal Alphabet (take 2)

I'm sort of obligated to tell you this now, because with the announcement of my new website the cat is already out of the bag.  The "secret project" I was working on that delayed me from my book is.............drumroll.............. 
"Animal Alphabet," the 2nd Edition.  If you're familiar with the first edition you may notice some changes(but it's no fun if I point them out, so go ahead and have a ball), but the main difference is my choice of materials.  This one is strictly watercolor/colored pencil.

The above image is severely condensed, since the original is a whopping-half-my-size-20x30.  I know that doesn't sound huge, but when you're carrying that thing across campus in the middle of a wind storm and you find yourself singing Mary Poppins "Let's Go Fly A Kite," get back to me.  Due to the condensed size, I posted a few spot illustrations below to depict better detail.

And as usual, my favorite feline helping me do my work.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Two Things

One, Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!  I hope you're all enjoying your corned beef and Irish potatoes.  

Two, I came across some familiar art posted on a local news site this evening.  Unbeknownst to me, an article was released this afternoon advertising my new website for LaMB Illustrations.  I thank whomever it may concern for the recognition, and truly appreciate the shout out!

Oh yeah, and my website is up..  

Friday, March 9, 2012


Just an idea for a character I may to do something with in the future.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pages 43 and 44

Here it is!  Finally, pages 43 and 44 - uncorrupted.

Also, an accurate illustration of my brain.