Here's the shindig: I'm FINALLY out of a sling after a long three months of immobility. During those three months, I experienced many things. Boredom, frustration, insanity, creativity.... essentially all the things I imagine that when collaborated, give artists the um, eccentric rep they tend to carry. And thus, I sat there for days and sketched some amateur-looking doodles with my good hand. These doodles eventually turned into concepts for a new children's book. Craziness talking? Maybe.
The book is called, "The Little Book of Big Opposites," which will be all about..... you guessed it!
I began executing the concepts, and the process of page 1 is pictured. I'm thrilled to finally have my hands in work again, even though I'm technically going against doctor orders here. I'm simply eager to train the arm back into business. We'll just call it art therapy.